Natasha Gurdin

The actress Natalie Wood was born, according to Wikipedia, in San Francisco of immigrant parents; her mother was from Russia, her father from the Ukraine.

Wikipedia gives her birth name as Natalia Nikolaevna Zakharenko, and says that the family moved to Santa Rosa shortly after her birth. It gives her sister's name as Svetlana Gurdin, adding: "the family had changed its surname". Svetlana was born in 1946, eight years after Natalia. credits Natasha Gurdin with one guest appearance in Hart to Hart, in 1979. This was during her second marriage to Robert Wagner – one of the stars of Hart to Hart – and some two years before her mysterious death.

Elsewhere (e.g. on pics– Natasha Gurdin is given as Natalie Wood's birth name. Given the amount of detail provided by Wikipedia, however, it seems likely that she was in fact born Natalia Zakharenko.

© Haydn Thompson 2018